The Steve Gersten Camp Gan Israel Endowment Fund
Dr. Steve Gersten, Yeshaya Hirsch Ben Yisroel Chaim Sinai, of blessed memory, was a proud Jew.
He loved Davening (praying), connecting with Hashem (G-d).
He was full of positive energy and always looked out for others.
A track coach in Regina for many years, he went beyond his call of duty and affected the lives of many for the good.
He was a supporter of Chabad of Regina and other Jewish causes.
Steve showed great excitement and interest in the Gan Israel day camp Chabad started a few years ago, he had a love and a passion for Kids developing pride in being Jewish and learning in a most fun and vibrant way. Since Gan Israel's beginning, Steve gave towards covering children's tuition for camp who otherwise would be unable to join.
In Steve's memory Chabad has established the Steve Gersten Camp Gan Israel Endowment Fund. Each year the investment income from this fund will go towards allowing more children to come to camp.
Please donate & help us give Steve the honor he deserves!!
To donate to this fund:
By Cheque or Cash:
Chabad of Regina
31 Daffodil Cres.
Regina SK, S4S5A2
please include a memo "Steve Gersten CGI Endowment Fund"
By credit card:
All donations are tax-deductible, please include your name, address and email to receive a tax deductible donation receipt
He loved Davening (praying), connecting with Hashem (G-d).
He was full of positive energy and always looked out for others.
A track coach in Regina for many years, he went beyond his call of duty and affected the lives of many for the good.
He was a supporter of Chabad of Regina and other Jewish causes.
Steve showed great excitement and interest in the Gan Israel day camp Chabad started a few years ago, he had a love and a passion for Kids developing pride in being Jewish and learning in a most fun and vibrant way. Since Gan Israel's beginning, Steve gave towards covering children's tuition for camp who otherwise would be unable to join.
In Steve's memory Chabad has established the Steve Gersten Camp Gan Israel Endowment Fund. Each year the investment income from this fund will go towards allowing more children to come to camp.
Please donate & help us give Steve the honor he deserves!!
To donate to this fund:
By Cheque or Cash:
Chabad of Regina
31 Daffodil Cres.
Regina SK, S4S5A2
please include a memo "Steve Gersten CGI Endowment Fund"
By credit card:
All donations are tax-deductible, please include your name, address and email to receive a tax deductible donation receipt